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Useful Links and Members' Websites

On this page you will find links to websites of some of our members, as well as some other suppliers of miniature needlework items.

Members' Websites

Alicia Sledge - Miniature needlepoint designs & kits


Annelle Ferguson - Miniature needlepoint samplers & chair cover kits


Carolyn Postgate - Miniature oriental carpet kits


Frances Peterson - Miniature needlepoint charts


Hodges Haberdashery - Fabric, materials and trimmings


Lesley Manieri - Outfits & furnishings, hand-knitted in Australia.


Natalia Frank - Dolls' house needlepoint charts 


Nicola Mascall - Dolls' house embroidery kits and charts

Margaret-Morgan-Filet-Lace-bedspread image

Filet lace bedspread designed and stitched by Margaret Morgan (Australia)

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Edwardian girl by Sheena James - knitted frock and pinafore

Other Suppliers

Buttercup Miniatures - Miniature knitting, crochet, petitpoint & filet lace.


Cottonpatch - Quilting and patchwork supplies


DCT Miniature Fashions - Miniature dolls, sewing &  knitting patterns.


The Dolls House Draper/Little Trimmings - Suppliers of fabrics &  trimmings.


Grace Mary Miniatures - 1/12th scale dolls.


Maria's Fabrics - Supplier of materials for miniature sewing.


Mulberry Silks - Hand-wound silk thread.


Piper's Silks - A wide selection of silk threads.


Threadabead - Suppliers of beads, beadwork kits & beading accessories.


The Silk Route - Silk fabrics & threads.


Other Websites

Guild of Miniature Needles Arts - This organisation is now closed but their website can still be viewed and has information about members and some photos of past competition entries.


Miniatura - Organisers of dolls' house and miniatures shows (UK)


London Dollshouse Showcase - Organisers of  the Kensington Dollshouse Festivals

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