About Us
The Miniature Needlework Society was formed in 1997 to encourage all forms of miniature work with needle and thread: embroidery of every kind, knitting, crochet, tatting and lace-making etc.
The Committee at Miniatura - March 2022
Our Aims
The Miniature Needlework Society (International) aims to encourage public awareness and enable friendly collaboration with needleworkers everywhere who use any recognised technique which accords with the Society's title.
Its objective is to encourage and promote a high standard of miniature needlework amongst members by means of workshops, publications and demonstrations.
Also, to be a forum for the mutual exchange of news, views and ideas between members, and to issue regular Newsletters to keep members in touch with forthcoming events, future projects and competitions.
The Society now has about 200 members worldwide who keep in touch and share their expertise through newsletters, workshops, Zoom meetings and a members-only Facebook group.
A 20-page colour newsletter is published three times a year, giving details of forthcoming miniatures' fairs and shows, sources for materials, charts, competitions, patterns to work, and members' news.
Regional workshops are held where members can learn new skills and discuss their projects with other members as well as expert needleworkers. All workshops cater for mixed abilities, and beginners are especially welcome. Exhibitions of members' work are displayed regularly at Miniatura.
Zoom meetings are held during the year to enable members from all over the world to connect and exchange ideas as well as being able to take part in our Annual General meeting where decisions about the running of the society are discussed.
Information booklets covering 20 different needlework techniques are published by the Society and are available to purchase via mail order or at fairs where MNS have a stand.
See our Starter Booklets page for more information.
The Miniature Needlework Society is run by a small committee of members and any points discussed in committee are minuted to all members of the Society by email (or post) and members are encouraged to make comments and suggestions. The committee are always happy to accept new members to help run the Society.
New members are always welcome.
Please see our Membership page for details.
The Committee
Chairman & Website Manager
Secretary/Advertising & Newsetter Editor/Booklet Sales
Committee member/Facebook Admin.
USA Representative
Online Publicity & Promotion
​Membership Management